Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Happy Independence day!

Today, we, the people of India celebrate our 74th year of independence. While we acknowledge progress of our nation and embrace the spirit of pride and loyalty, we must also ask ourselves what patriotism truly is. Is it only a blind love and pride in our country and its rulers, its culture and tradition and a mindless celebration of its achievements or a genuine and sincere concern for the well-being of its people and the upholding of its founding principles? What is being paraded as patriotism today, is in fact a dark form of nationalism which is the irrational and dangerous belief that your country and your culture is superior to all others! Ron Paul said "Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the government and the politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is willingness to challenge the government when it's wrong." The freedom that our country enjoys today was brought with the blood of those who wanted their country to be built on the foundations of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. And thus, our undying loyalty and devotion is not to any leader, any party or any ideology, but only to these noble values which inspired and motivated the freedom struggle. Thus, true patriotism is the firm resolve to let nothing compromise these founding values. Jawaharal Nehru declared on the eve of our Independence, "A new star rises, the star of freedom in the east, a new hope comes into being, a vision long cherished materialises. May the star never set and that hope never be betrayed!" To this star, and in this hope alone must lie our loyalty and pride!

In Remembrance Of Our National Heroes...

*This poem was written in 2016

I belong to a great country,

India is her name;

On her flag are colours three,

Proud am I of her fame;

But my countrymen, forget not,

That her freedom was brought

Of martyrs' crimson blood,

That in torrents was shed.

Our freedom fighters of long ago,

I wonder what all they had to forego,

Those valiant men who dared to dream

Of an India- great and free.

Braving the cruelty of the British,

Baring their chest to the roaring bullets;

Imprisoned, tortured and brutally murdered,

Weeping widows and orphans left behind.

Come what may, firm they stood,

For the sake of their motherland;

Fighting to the death for this country,

Until our people were set free.

"People of India unite,"

Was their battle cry;

"In every mind a spark alighted,

Fight until you are free;"

"Young citizens of India, awake!

With the nation in your strong hands,

A splendid country you must make,

More glorious than yonder lands."

Today, dare we forget the tears and toil,

Long ago shed on Indian soil?

May their sacrifice not be in vain

Hallowed this land where they lay slain.

As the Indian flag flutters high,

Into my wistful eyes tears spring;

Deep within my soul rises the cry,

Can the dead inspire the living? 

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