Monday, June 17, 2024

Face to Face

 ~ Jerusha 

"Show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely." ❤️

~ Sol: 2:14

Once, in the dead of night,
My eyes closed to an inward sight;
The world was shut out to reveal,
A true vision in a waking dream.

I saw a Man before my eyes,
I knew Him not by sense or sight;
It was His inward beauty that revealed,
The scars on His hands and feet.

In that moment of quiet insight I knew,
That wisdom, power and goodness-
In Him found their utmost fullness,
And made all their beauty manifest.

The eyes of my heart were opened,
To perceive His rare loveliness,
All which I dreamt and hungered, I found
Hidden in the depths of His character.

I wished, with Him, forever to stay,
And turn from myself and the world away,
If only this vision would fill my mind,
Joy and peace, could I hope to find.

But, O Being, perfect, pure and full of light,
How can dust and grime with You abide?
My mortal weakness drags me down,
From Your throne, into the deepest night!

How unfathomably far from Your throne,
Set in the high splendor of the skies,
Is the abode of my humble, sin-sick soul,
That clings to the mud of the earth below!

How can I ascend this gulf to bridge?
He is of Heaven and I of poor earth!
Therefore did He in great love descend,
To free my chains and call me upward.

“I am not afraid of your darkness”, said He,
“Of all that is broken and needs remedy”,
“My Grace is sufficient! Give weakness to Me, 
 And see if I will not turn it into glory!”

I was afraid then to open my eyes,
If His presence might fade from my sight,
But as my spirit descended from it's flight,
He brought His own faithful words to mind.

“I am with you always, to the end of the age!”
“Never, never will I leave or forsake;”
“As a Father watches over His children-
I delight in you, O child of my affection!”

❤️‍🔥“In my deepest wound I saw your glory and it astounded me.”🌹

~ Augustine


  1. Wow !! How beautifully have you scripted the salvation plan for all who are willing to put their trust in Christ Jesus, who is the only Savior for mankind .

  2. Loved it. God Bless.
