Monday, May 6, 2024

O Man Greatly Loved!

'The Angel of the LORD said to me, “Daniel, you are a man treasured and esteemed by God..."

I said, "I am filled with anguish... and I am very weak. My strength is gone, and I can hardly breathe.”

Then the Angel touched me again, “O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened...'

~ The Book of Daniel (BIBLE)


(Based on the prophet Daniel's encounter with the Angel)

"O man greatly loved!", was Daniel hailed,
In most solemn and earnest tones;
An Angel's greeting- not to be lightly weighed,
But the message in truth, was God's very own!

Did that divine being, so glorious, wise,
Whose vision had seen such ethereal sights!
Gaze with incredulous eyes upon this trembling man,
Who lay fallen to the ground in pitiable plight?

Rendered mute by anguish and terror,
Drained of all strength and beset with weakness!
Was the God of the heavens driven by error,
To esteem so highly such mortal frailness?

But in those eyes, the man was given his true worth,
By the inscrutable love God possessed for him;
Could it be wonder etched upon that angelic visage,
As he marveled at the mortal's great privilege?

"Greatly beloved, most treasured and esteemed..."
Like melodious music ringing in Daniel's ears!
As his lost strength came back to him,
All divinely imparted to expel many fears!

Think of how they fed his parched, lonely heart,
Thirsty for some faint avowal of love,
As his being warmed and thrilled in every part,
Oh to think he was so dearly loved above!

But Daniel's ancient dream is my own today,
And those dear and favored words
When weary and faint, are often spoken my way!
"Bought with His blood, beloved of God's..."

And just like Daniel of old, my strength is restored,
When I recall how greatly loved I am by God;
And today to you, this infinite love beckons,
From a rugged Cross to eternity beyond!

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