Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Mother's Longing

Nestled in my arms,
Gazing up at me,
With wide unblinking eyes,
Is a rosy-cheeked angel child,
Her little, trusting fingers 
Holding on to mine;

Her very sight melts my heart,
I cannot behold her, but kiss her twice,
Yet as I gaze at her, I cannot but sigh,
And say with troubled mind,
"This little child is condemned to die".

Born she is, into a world of hurts and aches,
Part of the wicked human race
This guiltless child is a prisoner of sin,
Poor, darling daughter of mine.

When she views the world in all its sin and hate,
How can she hope in abounding love,
Unless you hold her trusting hands, Lord
And enfold with your love, her tender soul.

When her soul feels shattered, as it will;
Will she look for respite in the fabrications of 
Help her to look fear in the face, to come to thee for aid,
Thus restore her broken heart with your wondrous love.

You saw this little one’s future, 
Even as she took shape in my womb,
I do not see her life ahead, 
Those troubles she will have to endure,
But I know that you, who hold her life,
Will give at all times, strength to keep fighting on.

Cradle her in your love, Lord; Fill her with your spirit,
Cover her with your wings, Lord; Surround her with your grace,
So that when the time has come,
I can give this guileless infant in my arms back to you,
Unblemished, sinless, heart made tender with Thy love!

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