Tuesday, July 6, 2021


I stand upon the crest of a high mountaintop, 

Looking over a vast battlefield;

Where legions of armies are fighting, 

A terrible war with fearsome zeal;

Yet the mighty throng wrestles unseen-

For these are the angelic stars of heaven, 

Which blaze in light too bright to be seen;

A third in the grip of the foul dragon's tail,

Which swept them away into rebellion's ways.

While they battle outside the realm of mortal sight,

The great deceiver puts his hosts to task-

Who blind men's eyes lest they see the light;

And the great field trembles and throbs,

With the clash of spears and swords; 

Back and forth the armies like restless waves do pour,

Which threatens to swallow the waiting shore;

For the vast plain is set ablaze with angry fires,

And they burn with fervor rising higher-

Till their wafting smoke soars above the wreck,

And warns every onlooker of this conflict's terror;

The mountain over the plain shakes and quakes,

And I fear my trembling feet would give way,

For an alarming sight meets my eyes-

Most mortal flesh rallies behind the dragon's tail!

I fell to my knees in grave despair- 

It is a losing battle; all striving is vain!

In my grief I writhed like a worm on the ground,

And the smoke from the field rose higher still,

So I waited for its fires, my woes to engulf and fill;

Yet through the smoke that glazed my teary face,

I saw a lamb walk into my sight-

Upon his face was such gentle grace, 

Where purest love and wisdom shone in perfect might; 

There was a fountain of blood freely flowing, 

Like a stream from His riven side, outpouring-

And He gently bid me to plunge myself from above

Into that ocean of healing, redeeming love;

So I was freed from my chains and set free,

But the great conflict waging, I still could see-

I watched the lamb; he walked into the mighty strife,

And I saw Him face the dragon who cowered in fright,

To my great wonder the blood of the lamb,

That gave me life, swept the serpent back,

Along with his army in a mighty, surging tide!

And behold, hosts of men who were captive to his snare, 

Ran to the lamb's side with jubilant, grateful fare!

Still many pursued the loser; I too rushed to the Lamb,

And asked, "Is the battle truly won?"

But before the words had left my hasty mouth,

I heard the terrible thunder of advancing legions-

And the dragon at its head with an angry roar,

Hurled curses against the God of heaven.

I turned to the Lamb that had been slain-

Who wore a crown of triumph upon His head- but said,

"The battle is won for my wounds have sealed its victory, 

But it must wage until the ordained time is history."

Then I groaned in dismay for I had dared to think,

That the hostile clamour soon would cease, 

Into a dawn of eternal rest and peace!

But the lamb drew me close to His breast-

And whispered such tender avowals of love and cheer,

That my heart regained its strength and vigour;

So I prepared to watch the mighty battle wage again,

But the Lamb thrust me into His great charges-

And said, "You can no longer tarry and watch the sight,

The time is nigh to take up armour and fight!"

Then I trembled and cowered in great fright,  

For the conflict seemed so dire and forbidding-

All around me the hate of the Serpent's armies,

Waited ready to swallow their adversaries;

So I pleaded my case to the Lamb-

Made list of many a weakness and woe,

But He paid no heed to my mutterings, 

And sent me out to meet the foe!

The sword of His word was put in my mouth,

The Living Spirit watered my parched lands,

And the keys to life were given to my hands;

Then my heart burned with love for the Lamb,

So I stepped into the battle lines-

Forced to grapple in a conflict I wished not to wage;

For as the blurred faces of those I must fight,

Swam clearly into my wretched sight, I wept 

To find among them, many who I loved-

And did not wish to stand against!

But I took up my sword and uttered what is precious, 

I held out in my hands the word of life-

Only to see their faces harden in bitter wrath,

Raising the weapons fashioned against me for strife!

And I at this sight, grew faint with sorrow and despair,

As if a cruel thorn had stabbed my breast-

For the love within it rose in a terrible tumult,

And heaved in pounding waves of hurt distress,

I wished my heart was devoid of love so I could find rest!

Again I fell down at the feet of the Lamb,

And cried, "I cannot suffer men's scorn and hate,

O this is a battle I do not want to wage!

Like a mighty throng they press in from every side,

Must I stand alone and contend for right,

Would you sweep my pain so cruelly aside?"

The Lamb drew me to Him and I saw tears in His eyes,

Where deep pools of love rested strong and wise,

He said, "Shall I not have the reward of my labour?

When I wrest in agony upon that tortuous cross-

For a great anguish in my heart I harbour,

To receive that for which I suffered every loss!

So go forth with weeping though the cost is great,

You will come again bearing a rich harvest of souls,

In great triumph and rejoicing- through the Golden gate."

But my voice yet rose in mournful complaints-

"Why did you choose me for this dreadful fight?

How can I endure the dark, never-ending night?"

Then my patient listener whispered peace into my heart,

With the balm of His love He quieted every part;

He lifted my face so my gaze would fall upon the skies,

Said, "Beyond those clouds wait joy and endless delight,

With patient endurance you will enter that realm of light; 

By the power of my blood and the word of your testimony, 

You shall overcome the serpent who lies at your heel-

As long as you do not love your life even unto death,

For I have stamped your forehead with the conqueror's seal!"

But still I cried, "My heart aches for the favour of men,

Can I lose it all when my soul craves rest in its haven?

Then He said, "Once when I wandered the earth,

A man of sorrows, familiar with pain,

I found men's hatred very hard to bear-

But as I mounted dark Calvary's fearsome hill, 

Though my inner soul did sear with agony to the fill,

I set my face like flint, determined to do my task,

And not a single word could shatter my resolute mask!

So make yourself a rock- steadfast without change,

In the midst of the fiercest storm that would rage!"

Then I sighed and nodded my assent;

But this yoke upon my tender shoulders,

Sunk heavily and caused me care and torment;

So the Lamb bid me gaze deeply into His face,

As I looked, such radiant love shone out of that pure visage-

It gained in strength till it engulfed me in its warm glow,

And abundant peace into my soul did flow,

In gentle care, cradling my heart, and

Healing every aching wound and scar!

And there, enfolded in the the arms of heaven's love,

I knew I could forsake all I loved for the Lamb above-

Upon his face alone I will set my faltering sight,

And his everlasting favour shall be my delight!

But though the mighty conflict just nears,

My face is already stained with anguished tears;

For within my heart a constant refrain echoes-

Like the strained notes of a violin which in passion grows,

"How long, how long until my work on earth is done,

And the bright Crown of glory is finally won?"

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