Friday, December 25, 2020

A Christmas Poem

Before His hand had formed the skies, 
Or set the earth in humble place, 
Before the seas were made to cleave its sands, 
The light to show His perfect handiwork forth, 
And the stars to adorn the whole in grace. 
And even before He blew the breath of life, 
Into the being made and designed of dust, 
Before His most prized and treasured creation, 
Betrayed their glory, His trust and love, 
And sold their spirits to final death. 
Yet this vile and fallen, yet chosen creation, 
Created in God’s own, righteous image, 
So greatly His thoughts did engage, 
As he saw them lost in the chains of death, 
Wretched, with no obscure hope of escape. 
Thus before this cosmic drama of the human race, 
Commenced within the spheres of time and space, 
That we, the living still do partake today, 
In endless eternity, God did choose a man, 
To pay for all wrongs and their tainted ways. 
So before the serpent beguiled the woman away,  
Writ on the indestructible testaments of truth, 
As a steadfast foundation unassailable by time, 
Was the accomplishment of the divine redemption, 
That would the eternal shackles of death break. 
Thus through shifting, mortal tides and ages, 
Those men who loved and honoured God, 
Yearned in faith to see the foretold act fulfilled, 
And in many a heart a throne was long prepared, 
To welcome the King and grant him rightful place. 
As the earthly performance of an infinite act, 
Was born a child to humble, lowly parents, 
And the hope and light of all mankind, 
On a bed of straws, in a base manger lay, 
Blameless and pure, the son of God born as man. 
Immortality, salvation, life abundant and free, 
Love divine and joy complete was His to give freely, 
And strange that after all the grand places, 
That for these men have searched in frenzy, 
They did not once think to look in the stable lowly. 
For around that poor, forsaken manger, 
Would the grand narrative of humanity be played, 
By the mighty Hand that writes its tales, 
And the lives and destinies of all mankind relied, 
Upon their belief in the name of that little child.  
From the heavenly portals of eternity, 
Watches one who searches and knows our hearts, 
Looking for the soul who will believe in His gift, 
Of the son born in the form of man,  
That yet one more might be adopted,  
Into the fold of his dear, chosen ones.

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