Tuesday, April 7, 2020

He Abides!

When worries that come from worldly care,  

With thoughts that prick and pierce their way, 

Into the tranquil rest that God His children gave, 

Corrode and invade their walk with him; 

While they with helpless will, submit to their sway, 

And confess that they in true loyalty cannot persist, 

But must to earthly distress and brooding relent; 

God with tender, steadfast love gently reminds-

That not with resolve or power, or mortal will, 

Of theirs, do they persevere and endure in grace;

But His infinite, unwavering love alone, 

Doth their frail and feeble souls uphold;

And God’s faithful, eternal promises alone, 

Doth remain forever and securely preserve them;

And thus all doubts and fears subside as they find,

That it is He who with them, firmly abides!

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